Hackers University Pro ...

Hackers University Pro v2.2(update).apk

Hackers University Pro v2.2(update).apk
Rozmiar 4,5 MB

Brak testu.
Aktualizacja :12 stycznia 2014 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
Android O/S : 3.0+..
Features :

â–º BackTrack / Kali Linux guides.
â–º Hacking various WiFi networks such as: WEP, WPA, WPA, and WPS networks.
â–º Test websites for exploits with mySQL and other methods.
â–º Use your android phone to crash wifi networks, sniff facebook/e-mail passwords and more.
â–º Create your own keylogger.
â–º Learn how to make trojans and viruses while remaining undetectable
â–º Browse the internet without leaving a trace behind! Learn to be completely anonymous online.
â–º Modify game consoles to run pirated games.
â–º Learn to download any software, app, game, movie, or music for free.
This app is the ultimate hackers handbook reference guide! A MUST have for any aspiring hacker !

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • btobpoland.keep.pl

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